Owners Corporation Manager

Mayfield are the Owners Corporation Managers at Holly and are there to help us all manage the building and co-ordinate repairs and maintenance. Our contact at Mayfield is Dan Finch (dan@mayfieldbcm.com.au) and while you’re always free to contact Dan directly, it’s a good idea to drop a message to the Owners Corp Committee if it’s something relating to the building as a whole. This way we can avoid doubling up and save everyone time.

Owners Corporation, committee and meetings

The Owners Corporation (OC) has two annual general meetings toward the end of each year. All owners are encouraged to attend to be across building related issues and planning. The OC committee meet on the third Monday of each month and co-ordinate activities to maintain the building and address issues that may arise. Nominations to join the OC committee are open at the annual general meeting and we welcome anyone that is willing to join and contribute.

The OC Committee is currently made up with Folker Schaumann from apt 102, Robert Barber from apt 301 and David Vlasic from apt 401 and Raja Balasundram from Apt 101. The OC Committee are all on the WhatsApp group and available for contact.

If you’ve ever been locked out or just need a hand, needed a quick hand with a delivery or just want to know how if anyone has a drill you can borrow, the WhatsApp group is a great way to get the help you need. Download the app and we’ll send you an invite to join the group. It’s more about help at hand than social media – really useful. If there is an issue with the lift or your hot water isn’t working, find out if it’s just you on the chat.