Car stacker
The car stacker is a large and important piece of equipment shared by all. Knowing how to use the stacker correctly is essential to preventing downtime, damage and most importantly, injury. Before you can use the stacker, it’s important that you contact Vertimax who manage it, to organise an induction and they will give you access to the associated app. Contact details
Phone 1300 776 629
Quote address and machine number S170023
If you need to unload your car in the basement before parking, please be mindful of others who may need access to the car park. Park to the side, close your doors, and if you’re leaving the car unattended turn on your hazard lights to let others know you’ll be back shortly. While it’s rare to encounter other cars in the car park, it almost always happens when you’re parked in the driveway!
Many residents prefer to park on Nelson Street on days when they need to come and go frequently. There’s usually plenty of parking available, and while some areas have time restrictions, enforcement is rare. If you happen to spot parking inspectors, share the info in the WhatsApp group to spread a little good karma.
Storage cages
Storage cages are in the basement, generally along the west wall. Keep your cage locked and avoid having expensive things easily visible. The more appealing your stuff looks, the bigger the risk if someone gets access to the basement. While the basement has drainage and is setup up manage water, there is the chance that small amounts of water can get under the storage cages. It’s good practice to avoid having belongings on the bare concrete to prevent getting damaged.